

Hi! My name is Xavier Mignot, I am a cloud architect specialized in Microsoft Azure, welcome to my website. I am a backend developer at heart, I have written .NET code for many years and am still happy to do it ! I am also open to other languages/stacks, like Python or C.

Over the last few years I have specialized in the IoT space, in my professional life where I design and implement cloud solutions to interact with devices, and in my personal life where I write some code running on the devices and solder stuff just for fun.

I am constantly trying to learn new things, professionally or personally. When I am not sitting in front of a computer I try to become a better musician (I consider myself as a decent guitar and bad accordion player), or to learn how to fly a plane (it takes some time).

You can find me on Mastodon, GitHub or on Linkedin, let’s connect !

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